Thursday, 14 March 2013
“Remember Lot’s wife.” Luke 17:32.
At this point and period of time, if there is any message to remember, if there is any warning of the Bible to remember, it is the warning of Jesus Christ to remember Lot’s wife. When this world is coming to a predictable end, when the Anti-Christ is set and the agents of 666 mark and Great Tribulation are ready, when God has made the message clearer that the rapture is about to take place any second from now; if there is anything to remember, it is to remember Lot’s wife.
At the point when God was to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, the Angels of God came to rescue Lot, his wife and two kids. After the warning by the angel not to look back to the perishing Sodom, Lot’s wife looked back because of the possession and prosperity of Sodom and she perished with the Sodomites.
My friend, this is not an exaggeration and it’s not to frighten you, this world is about to crumble with all the people therein; the predicted, prophesied end of the world has come but Jesus will first come to pick and rescue His holy children through rapture before it will crumble. With what is happening around, even the blind can see that the end has come, with all the news and revelations around, even the deaf can hear the emphatic warning from heaven that end has come.
Jesus wants us to look away from all the cares of this world because they are about to perish; Jesus wants us to surrender all our sins and excuses now so that they will not hold us back from being raptured. It is either you learn from Lot’s wife and be wise or you are left behind. This timely warning is applicable to all, irrespective of your Christian life or level.
So, what shall we do? Here are the things you urgently need to do now:
No need to pretend, no need to proof and no need to procrastinate, you need to repent now, and we all need to repent. This is not just the incessant confession of sins; repentance is realizing your sins as sins and ready to forsake them. Your confession will do you no good if you are not ready to forsake them and start a new life, if you are not ready to surrender all. Everyone needs to repent and every sin needs to be repented of. The serious sins and simple sin, common sins and general sins; secret sins and open sins, normal sins, it-doesn’t-matter sins, and besetting sins - all.
No need for further delay, no need for comparism game, and it is foolish for anyone to be fooling himself now by saying, “this is my weakness, every body has a weakness, and no one is perfect” That little weakness has the strong capacity to hold you back from the rapture. Why complaining when you still have the time to repent from all forms of sins and worldliness.
Every one has to rededicate his or her life to Jesus afresh now and to start a new life of holiness, no matter your position, possession or popularity. If you are a child of God, you need to still rededicate your life to God to search and sanctify you. Proofing and pretending will cause you great havoc at this time. Humble yourself!
Many Christians will miss the rapture because of undone or procrastinated restitution. Satan is deceiving many Christians that necessary restitution is not necessary, that God has forgiven you all and no more condemnation. But you can be wise. You need to make right the existing wrongs of the past. Don’t be deceived but do it now. Put your life in order for the rapture is about to take place, so that you will not be found wanton.
R E V I V E!
Repent from all forms of sins, rededicate your life to God, re-consecrate your life to Jesus and be on fire for God and be fervent for Him. Go extra miles. After you surrender all, read your Bible every morning and evening, pray first and mostly about your Christian life and growth, go stronger. Preach the message of repentance and rapture to people; we can’t overdo it because rapture will only happen once. Don’t compare yourself with others, whoever.
Let people call you fool, don’t mind them, they will soon see who fool is after the rapture. People also called Noah fool but when the Flood came they got to know who was actually the fool. They called Lot fool, you also be a fool to this present perishing world and be wise to God in your life, in gentleness, sincerity, purity, openness and simple life. Let your purpose of living, focus of life from now, and your expectation be to meet Jesus pure. If they say your own is getting too much or you are going too far, tell them you just started, because you have got to go far from Sodom before the destruction will take place. Take the things of this world with loose hand and hold strongly to holy and godly living.
Even with all that is happening everywhere in the world, many are being fooled by the devil through the deception of riches and cares of the world. The truth is that they cannot spend the money they are saving now after the rapture except they receive the mark of the Ant-Christ, they cannot use the cars, houses and all the possessions Satan is using to delay their salvation and distract them from serving God wholeheartedly. What a foolish generation! But you will be wise now, won’t you?
2 Peter 3:10-11
" But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness"
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