Friday, 15 March 2013


WHY MANY CHRISTIANS WILL MISS THE RAPTURE! “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Luke 13:24 Since Rapture will not happen twice, but once, wise Christians will do more to focus and strive to be counted worthy. Why will many miss the rapture even after they are born again and serving God? Here are 7 common reasons in which any of them can hold back a Born again Christian: (1) UNDONE RESTITUTION Acts 24:16 After you are genuinely saved, there may be some wrongs of the past that need to be corrected in your present new life in Jesus. Restitution includes restoring things wrongly acquired, revealing lies and deceptions and reconciling with people we offended, and also forgiving with all our hearts people who offended us, no matter how terrible. Forgiveness from the heart is part of restitution and many Christians, ministers of God will miss rapture and heaven just because of un-forgiveness and bitterness. Matthew 6:14, 15. UNPAID & INESSENTIAL DEBT, when you have the power to pay but postponing or does not want to pay, this can hinder Christians from being raptured or entering heaven. And a serious minded Christian will be wary of unnecessary debts of buying inessential stuffs in credit. (2) JUST A LITTLE SIN Galatians 5:9 Many will miss rapture and entrance to heaven not because they are not born again and serving God, not because they are committing serious sins, but just because of a little, besetting sin, just little but too heavy to hold people down from making rapture. Can you imagine that wearing tight clothes, tops that show a woman's cleavage or transparent clothes would hinder so many godly sisters from making the rapture? When the Holy Spirit calls your attention to the little sin, you excuse yourself that it doesn’t matter, everybody is doing it or it is your own weakness since everybody has a weakness. It may be little anger, envy, jealousy, even in the work of God. Little, little lies, using people’s or your office’s materials for your personal purpose without taking permission. You think it doesn’t matter? It does. Let’s repent NOW. Common sins will commonly hinder common Christians and ministers back. (3) LITTLE WORLDLINESS 1 John 2:16 Little worldliness will hinder so many Christians from making the rapture. This little worldliness does not matter to many Christians and churches today. The worldly music which you call normal, worldly movies, magazines (fashion, entertainment or pornography), TV programs inspired by Satan (American Idol, African Idols, Big Brother Africa, MTN Project Fame, Gulder Ultimate Search, Dance shows, African magic, animated cartoon, etc. ) Also worldly dress (wearing tops, blouses that show the trace of your breasts as a woman or that reveals your back, tight, transparent or shot dress) Many Christian women are tapped by Satan with worldly dress unknowingly but they will know after the rapture. Those who have died have gotten to know already but too late. (4) OVER CONFIDENCE 1 Corinthians 10:12 Over-confidence will hinder many believers from entering heaven. You see the shortcoming of others without seeing yours, without daily searching your life with the Word of God and prayer for forgiveness and daily sanctification. This category of people believe they can never make mistake after they are saved, they believe they are once and entirely sanctified and no need for daily prayer for cleansing and sanctification, they are bound in bountiful hypocrisy which is one of the most terrible sins- hypocrisy. Believing that you can’t make mistake after you are saved is a serious mistake. Tenderness and watchfulness serve better. (5) UNCONFESSED SIN 1 Timothy 5:24 Unconfessed sin remains a secret sin. You did something wrong and you realize it and confessed to God but concealed it from people, you refuse to confess to necessary partners or people even after the Holy Spirit has ministered to you to expose it, you are listening to the wrong preachers and your wrong motive and defending yourself that you have confessed to God so that should settle it. This will block many ears from hearing the sound of the Trumpet of rapture. Please, you must confess to one another, James 5:16, as the case may be, why will you miss rapture just because of this little shortcoming? (6) LITTLE COMPROMISE 1 Corinthians 5:6 Little compromise at workplace, in your business, to get contract, job or promotion; little compromise to get your documents and papers - being smart. Little compromise in examination hall, in marital relationship or in your tithes and offerings; these little, little, overlooked stuffs will hold and hinder many Believers and Ministers from making heaven. If you are careful, the compromise of your society, of your church and idolized Pastors will not infect and affect you. (7) LACK OF LOVE 1 John 4:8 Do you think it’s possible to make heaven without love? And does your life shows the love of Christ? Please read 1 Corinthians 13:1-8. Most churches and Christians lack love. Love is kindness and expresses goodness to all men, especially brethren, it helps and shares. The syndrome of “sowing” into the lives of big pastors, the several church projects and personal projects have blinded many Christians from loving and helping people around them. Purity without love is hypocrisy, love without purity is lust, but real purity means PURE LOVE. Christian life without love is hypocrisy. Please, we should all search our lives with the light of God’s Word, let’s repent now and confess and correct everything as the Holy Spirit calls our attention. Irrespective of our spiritual attainments and positions, God is not a respecter of any man. As long you still see yourself as a little child in God’s hand, you must be humble and careful enough to look into your life. Let’s ask God to sanctify us, and let’s also be more watchful from now, be more vigilant and prayerful everyday as we ask for God’s grace and mercy to be counted worthy, we all need these, we are all striving and no man is a superman, until we get to heaven. May God help us and see us through to the end in Jesus name. Rapture will happen once and any time from now. If you want to rededicate your life to Jesus or need further counsel on any of these points, please feel free to contact the address below. That we are still alive now, is a great privilege, let’s make use of it NOW! 1 Peter 4:7,“But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.”

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